Column for week of April 21, 2014 I don't ask, How stupid does it get? I really don't want to know. I am confident though that no matter how tall the stupid tree grows someone will climb to the highest limb. Then the tree will grow a taller branch to be scaled. I am quite sure there is more than one stupid tree. We are surrounded by far more stupid than could grow on one tree. Perhaps every village has a stupid tree. Might that explain the origin of the term "village idiot?" If every village has a stupid tree, How many flourish in Washington, D.C? There must be an entire forest of stupid trees there. Most of the people climbing the stupid trees are involved with government. There is an explanation for that. When success requires the voluntary participation of others, doing stupid things can put a damper on success. Whether you are throwing a party or running a shoe store, do too much stupid and you are likely to find your corner of the world rather lonely. In private ventures which depend on voluntary cooperation stupidity is self limiting. Only with captive customers can stupid prosper and grow. Government with its captive "customers" provides the perfect fertile soil for growing giant stupid trees. Stupid trees can thrive in any climate, including Michigan. I'm not going to dignify the latest idea from the stupid tree as the worst ever. It does stand trunk and limb above many others. Some people in Plymouth got together and built elevated bleachers for the school's baseball field. The school tore down the bleachers before they were ever used. Perhaps one could imagine a half sensible reason for tearing down the bleachers. The school didn't even bother pretending it had a sensible reason. Someone complained to the federal government that the bleachers were unfair. The Feds agreed. How can bleachers be unfair? The problem was that the girls' softball field didn't have similar bleachers. This was double stupid. Someone must have climbed to the top of the stupid tree twice. It makes it difficult to not believe in reincarnation. How could anyone get that stupid in one lifetime? The solution was the equivalent of someone with a broken leg deciding to break everyone else's leg. I can imagine that such a solution holds some charm for those who enjoy basking in equal misery. Wasting the bleachers wasn't close to the worst part. Vandals destroy other people's property out of jealousy. Vandals know they are criminals and are likely to be punished if caught. Destroying the bleachers was far worse than ordinary vandalism. It was done under color of law by individuals entrusted with responsibility for educating young people. Still, it was vandalism. What an example to set for children. If someone has something better than you have, DESTROY IT. If that isn't a race to the bottom, What is? If everyone destroys everything that is better than what they have, What will be left? Probably nothing but the stupid trees will remain standing. I'm sure that the fruit of the stupid tree is too bitter to eat. I'm confident that there is no way to cut down all of the stupid trees or to prevent people from climbing them. The answer is to remove more functions from government and return them to voluntary cooperation in the private sector. Then those who insist on dwelling in the highest branches of the stupid trees won't be able to inflict so much damage. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Copyright 2014 Albert D. McCallum
Considering the issues of our times. (ADM does not select or endorse the sites reached through "Next Blog.")
Thursday, April 24, 2014
How Tall the Stupid Tree?
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Why Do We Trade?
Column for week of April 14, 2014 Trading is at least as old as recorded history, most likely older. Even subsistence farmers trade. In our specialized industrial society each individual consumes little of what he produces while producing little of what he consumes. Individuals producing for their own consumption is such a small part of production that economists feel free to ignore such production when calculating the Gross National Product (GNP). People still produce for themselves. Who among us would even survive without the goods produced by others? Why do we prefer to produce for others rather than for ourselves? By specializing and each only doing what he does best we greatly increase productivity. There is more for everyone. Imagine that you divided your time among producing all the things you have. How many of those things could you produce for yourself? We have three options for getting things produced by others -- gifts, theft or trade. We are likely to come up a bit short if we sit around waiting for others to give us what we want. Granted, more and more people are choosing this route. Mostly they wait for government to take from others and give to them. If we continue this trend, soon there will be little left for government to take and give. Relying on direct theft by consumers has no brighter future. If we are to prosper we must produce and trade. There are two possible kinds of trade -- coerced trade and free trade. In free trade we trade because we want to. It takes two to trade. The only reason to freely trade is that both parties believe they gain by trading. In coerced trade individuals trade because they fear that someone will hurt them if they don't trade, or if they make the wrong trades. With all of the government restrictions on trade, fully free trade is all but extinct. People who believe they are engaging in free trade probably aren't. An individual may freely choose to make a trade. Still, he is only choosing from the options government allows. Would he choose the same trade if government hadn't eliminated many of the possible options? Some claim there is good trade and bad trade. Bad trade supposedly hurts others. All trades affect others. If we ban trades merely because they affect others, we must ban all trades. The consequences of eliminating trade would be that the few survivors would all be reduced to being self sufficient hunter-gatherers. Most opposition to free trade is from two sources. One is wasteful, inefficient producers trying to rip off consumers by eliminating competition from those who serve consumers better. The other source is people who see only the detriments of trade and miss the benefits. When consumers switch to different suppliers, the old suppliers lose jobs. The near endless list of job losers includes weavers, buggy makers, telephone operators, and most farmers. Much of what we have today wouldn't exist if workers still labored inefficiency in those old jobs. Some people get upset if the new jobs are in another country. Supposedly we are exporting jobs. The only way we export jobs is if imports are gifts. Otherwise, someone must make something to trade for the imports. When we buy cameras from the Japanese, someone in the USA must make something to pay for the cameras. If the Japanese lend the camera money to the US government, or someone else, we must produce something for the borrower. All we have done is trade less productive jobs for more productive ones. Free traders won't trade unless trading increases productivity so that they get more by trading. It doesn't matter where the people we trade with live. We, and they, benefit from free trade. The only losers are exploitive special interests who can gain by denying us the benefits of free trade. Those losers are loud and have lobbyists. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Copyright 2014 Albert D. McCallum
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Blowing Bubbles
Column for week of April 7, 2014
Bubbles grow in the economy when government
interferes with freedom in the marketplace. The housing bubble
is the most famous of the great bubbles. When it burst it reeked
havoc in the housing market leaving in its wake unstable banks
and millions of mortgage foreclosures.
The housing bubble grew because government
manipulated interest rates and mortgage lending practices.
Artificially low interest rates along with government support and
encouragement of high risk, low down payment loans
encouraged buyers to bid housing prices up to unsustainable
levels. Builders responded by building more houses than people
could afford to buy and keep at the artificially inflated prices.
Many appeared to prosper from the housing bubble. It
wasn't until the bubble burst that those profits were exposed as
an illusion. Some got to keep their profits, only at the expense
of others who suffered great losses.
Government still interferes with freedom in the
marketplace. The interference inflates economic bubbles by
diverting investment and spending from the things people want
most to things promoted by government. Eventually these
bubbles will burst causing the loss of investment and jobs.
I can't possibly cover all the bubbles in one column. No
one person is capable of even identifying all the bubbles. When
government actions create a bubble, that bubble creates
secondary bubbles that spread disruption across the economy.
The rest of this column will be devoted to consideration
of a couple bubbles involving corn. One bubble directly affects
corn. Secondary effects of the other bubble flow into the corn
The biggest bubble affecting corn production is the
ethanol bubble. About 40 percent of corn grown in the US is
used to make ethanol that contains barely, if any, more energy
than was used to produce it. The ethanol industry in the US
wouldn't exist without government forcing and subsidizing
ethanol production. Most consumers wouldn't, of their own free
will, buy a costly, wasteful, inefficient fuel.
The ethanol bubble has altered the face of US agriculture.
Millions of acres of otherwise unneeded corn is grown. This
reduces the planting of other crops and affects the prices of all
farm products. High meat prices are part of the ripple effect of
the ethanol bubble. It also artificially inflates the price of
farmland and distorts production and prices of almost everything
involved in agriculture.
The bursting of the ethanol bubble, beside rendering
billions of dollars of ethanol investment worthless, will rip the
farm economy apart and send destructive waves through the
entire economy. Most likely the entire economy will be plunged
into recession as was the case with the housing bubble.
Long before the ethanol bubble government created the
sugar bubble. Government restricts sugar imports with tariffs
and quotas. As a result sugar costs about twice as much in the
US as in the rest of the world. This has driven most hard candy
makers and their jobs out of the US.
The sugar producers don't mind the loss of sales as long
as it doubles the prices they can charge. Those who buy
sweeteners seek alternatives to sugar. One of the main
alternatives is corn syrup. Those train loads of corn syrup
traveling across the country are mainly a product of the sugar
bubble created by government restrictions on sugar.
The sugar bubble created the corn syrup bubble, which
contributed to the corn bubble, which contributes to the farmland
price bubble, and all the other bubbles in and around the farm
economy. Kids blowing bubbles may be cute. Government
blowing bubbles in the economy is anything but cute.
You can be certain that government will do its best to
sustain and further inflate the bubbles. For anyone who hasn't
noticed, inflating bubbles isn't a great way to keep them from
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Copyright 2014
Albert D. McCallum
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Who Is a Scientist?
Column for week of March 31, 2014
Global warming fanatics often trot out statistics about
how many scientists agree that we are experiencing global
warming caused by man made greenhouse gases. They also
claim that "the science is settled." There is no room for further
debate about global warming. Some go so far as demanding
prison for those who deny the existence of man made global
One question this raises is, What is a scientist? I am
reminded of an old riddle. If you call a tail a leg, How many
legs does a dog have? Answer: four. Calling a tail a leg
doesn't make it a leg.
Calling someone a scientist doesn't make them a scientist.
Degrees in science don't make one a scientist either. A real
scientist is one who uses the scientific method to understand
causes and effects in the universe.
Isaac Newton was a scientist. He collected data about
falling objects and their velocity. He worked out a theory about
how falling objects accelerated. Then he devised mathematical
formulas that he believed could predict the velocity of falling
objects based on how long they had been falling.
This is the scientific method. Collect data and devise
theories and formulas that appear to explain how one event
causes another. The real test of the theory is, Does it
consistently predict future events? Newton's theory of gravity
wasn't proven until it accurately predicted the velocity of falling
objects every time. Even one failure would have proven the
theory to be flawed.
Scientists who study human impact on world
temperatures face an awesome task. First they must collect data
about past temperatures around the world. They must collect
thousands of years of data. Based on the data now collected we
know that world temperatures have been changing for thousands
of years. The 120 or so years of data from thermometer
readings around the world can't possibly be enough to develop a
valid theory of how natural forces affect temperatures.
The next step is to devise a theory that explains how
observed forces change world temperatures. The test of that
theory will be, Does it accurately predict future world
For the most part those who claim to know that
greenhouse gases are warming the world have ignored the
scientific method. No matter what they call themselves, their
conclusions aren't based on the scientific method.
Temperatures have been increasing since about 1860.
For hundreds of years before that the world was in the Little Ice
Age. Before that the medieval warm period peaked around
1100. No one is in a position to determine the effect greenhouse
gases have on temperature until they are able to distinguish that
effect from natural temperature changes.
No one is claiming that the significant warming from
1910 or so to the 1940s was caused by greenhouse gases. Why
did the world cool for 30 or more years after 1940 while carbon
dioxide emissions soared? Why have world temperatures been
stable to falling for the past 15 years while carbon dioxide
emissions continue to soar? Why have observed temperatures
been substantially lower than temperatures predicted by
computers programed in accordance with the theory that carbon
dioxide causes substantial warming?
Real scientists using the scientific method would ask and
answer these and other questions before daring to claim that the
science of global warming is settled. Perhaps carbon dioxide is
causing some warming. So far nothing in the temperature data
is inconsistent with the recent warming being a natural recovery
from the Little Ice Age.
Scientists who study solar activity and its impact on
temperatures believe we are in the beginning of a 40-year cold
period that might plunge world temperatures back to the level of
1800. This seems a bit extreme. Let's hope they are at least a
little wrong. Whatever, it is absurd to claim the science of
global warming is settled. It is settled only in the minds of
politicians and hucksters.
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Copyright 2014
Albert D. McCallum
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