Column for week of October 20, 2014 Many people claim rampant greed causes all our problems. Greedy people ruthlessly exploit everyone in sight. Before dissecting this theory we should consider, Who is greedy? Consider a multiple choice question. Several individuals each have a candy bar. Abner gives the candy bar to a poor person. Beth puts her candy bar away to eat it another day. Chuck destroys his candy bar. Debbie trades her candy bar for an apple. Erwin eats his candy bar while beating off hungry people. Now, rank the five based on who was the greediest. Why did each choose to act in a different way? Abner believed he would gain more satisfaction from giving the candy bar away than from putting it to any other use. Beth believed that she could gain the most satisfaction by putting the candy bar to some use later. Chuck hated candy bars and believed they were bad for people. He gained the most satisfaction from destroying the candy. Debbie believed the apple would bring more satisfaction than the candy bar. Erwin believed that protecting and eating the candy would bring him the most satisfaction. Each individual acted in the way expected to maximize his personal satisfaction. Each had a different opinion about what was satisfying. Some, or all, may not have gained the satisfaction they expected. That was irrelevant when choosing. We always act based on what we expect rather than what we eventually get. That is the only way we can choose. We have no way of knowing how the future will play out. Some choices were most likely more beneficial to third parties than were others. Still, the chooser made his choice based on what was best for the satisfaction of the chooser. Part of the motivation for the choices we make is the satisfaction we gain from the satisfaction of others. All of the choosers were equally greedy. Each sought to maximize his own self interest. Those who gain satisfaction from the satisfaction of others are more likely to make choices that increase the satisfaction of others. Their real motivation is maximizing self satisfaction. When it comes to our most basic pursuit, satisfaction, we are all 100 percent greedy. No one ever considers his choices and then deliberately picks one that he believes won't be the most satisfying. Blaming problems on greed is a dead end street. If greed is the basic problem there aren't any solutions. We can't eliminate or reduce human greed. We are hard wired to pursue our own self interest. The Declaration of Independence recognized this when it identified "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" as our core rights. Without life there is no satisfaction. Each individual knows best what makes him happy or satisfied. For individuals to pursue happiness, each must have the liberty to choose. Tangible things and activities aren't anyone's ultimate goals. We don't seek automobiles and ski weekends for the sake of the thing or the action. Individuals seek them for the satisfaction they expect to gain. There are only two ways to influence the choices of others. One is to physically interfere with some of the choices so as to make them difficult or impossible. The government tried to do this when it banned the manufacture of incandescent light bulbs. The goal was to make it impossible for individuals to choose incandescent bulbs. Government's ban on marijuana is another attempt to prevent individuals from choosing what they believe will be the most satisfying. Bans and mandates are achievable only by totally destroying the option, or by commanding "Do it my way, or I will hurt you." (Please note that attempted bans usually fail miserably while yielding all sorts of unintended consequences.) Short of resorts to force and violence there is only one way to influence the choices of others. We must influence the individual's views about what is satisfying. The next 12 columns will consider the journey to satisfaction. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Copyright 2014 Albert D. McCallum
Considering the issues of our times. (ADM does not select or endorse the sites reached through "Next Blog.")
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Who Is Greedy?
When a Religion Dies
Column for week of October 13, 2014
I have read in history about the death of religions.
Perhaps the best known passing of a system of belief is that of
the gods of the Romans. Even after those gods were fully
discredited, some still clung to and defended them. Beliefs die
hard, especially beliefs based on emotions rather than facts.
I never witnessed a religion going through its death
throws, until now. Believers in man-made global warming
exhibit the characteristics of religious fanatics. They claim to be
100 percent right while claiming that anyone who even slightly
disagrees with them is not only totally wrong, but also evil. The
stronger the challenge to their cherished beliefs, the more
hysterical their defense becomes.
The global warmists and their beliefs are in a bit of a
bind. They face the inconvenient truth that satellite data show
the atmosphere hasn't warmed for over 18 years. For them that
is a bitter pill to swallow.
First they dropped "global warming" from their
vocabulary. Now they call the great threat to human survival
"climate change." Predicting climate change is safe. It is as
safe as predicting that the sun shall rise. Climate has been
changing for so long as we have any evidence of climate. It is a
safe bet climate will continue to change for as long as there is
The fanatics are so certain people are warming the world
that they refuse to even consider the possibility they aren't.
Among other things they claim the deep oceans are sucking the
heat out of the atmosphere and hiding it. In 20 or 30 years this
heat is supposed to pour up from the depths and boil us all.
A recent report from the NASA poured cold water on
that one. The NASA conducted the only serious study of heat in
the ocean depths. It reluctantly reported that it didn't find the
missing heat.
The man-made global warming cult will likely either
claim the NASA didn't look hard enough, or that the missing
heat is hiding somewhere else. Perhaps they will offer a reward
to whoever finds the heat.
Recent rants by Robert Kennedy, Jr. are a good example
of how fanatics respond when their insupportable beliefs are
challenged. His first utterance was that questioning man-made
global warming should be a crime. Those who express such
ideas should be punished. So much for free speech.
Feeling a bit of heat generated by those remarks, he tried
to do some damage control. He conceded that even ignorant,
stupid people should be allowed to speak. He followed that up
by demanding the death penalty for any foundation, or
corporation that denied the existence of man-made global
warming. He wanted Attorney Generals to have the offenders'
charters revoked.
Corporations don't speak. The only voices corporations
have are the voices of real live people who speak on the
corporation's behalf. Kennedy is still demanding that
government silence the voices he doesn't want to hear. This
brings to mind how the British used heresy laws to silence Joan
of Arc. Perhaps we should have at least a touch of sympathy for
those whose ideas are so weak they can defend them only by
silencing their critics.
The global warmists may not have a god, unless she is
mother earth. They do have their devil, carbon dioxide, that is
supposed frighten all into submission.
It is pointless to try to reason with members of the global
warming (excuse me, climate change) cult. It is impossible to
reason with anyone whose beliefs are founded on emotion rather
than reason.
There is little to do other than watch, and enjoy if you
like, the cult go through its death throws. It may be difficult to
enjoy their ordeal. Some of the emotional fanatics will likely
turn violent as more and more people reject their beliefs. There
are bound to be some unpleasantries over the next few decades
before real science reclaims the realm of climate change.
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Copyright 2014
Albert D. McCallum
Thursday, October 16, 2014
If the Whole World Were a School
Column for week of October 6, 2014 I endlessly hear the complaint that profit making businesses shouldn't be allowed to run our schools. This complaint seems to spring from several reasons. Schools are too important to be left to greedy, profit seeking businesses. Education money shouldn't be wasted on profits. Only government can be held accountable for what it does. Businesses would provide low quality education for high prices. If all this is true, Why should we tolerate greedy, profit seeking businesses providing our food, clothing and shelter? A person could live for at least a year without a school. How long could anyone live without food? In Michigan, How many would survive a year without any clothing or shelter? How will we continue to survive if we remain dependent on greedy, untrustworthy businesses to provide the vital necessities of life? Why shouldn't we turn to government for all of our necessities? For that matter, if government is such a great, efficient and trustworthy provider of necessities, Why shouldn't we turn to it for the provision of everything? Following the fine example of the great government schools we can start by establishing food districts. Everyone will live in a food district that will provide commissaries and mess halls to feed everyone for free. Of course, the districts will provide only healthy nutritious food, as defined by the government. Food will be provided only in the quantity and at the times deemed best by the providers. People have learned to adjust their schedules and educational tastes to one size fits all schools. They should easily adjust to one size fits all food service. If you don't like the menu, bring it up at the next election of the food board. This may not be the perfect solution. The food board will only be able to beg its superiors in the state capital and D.C. for permission to change. After all, people in Michigan can't be allowed to have different food than those who live in California. Someone has to pay for all that free food. Even government can't repeal the laws of economics. It can make some big messes while trying. Of course, the taxpayers will gladly pay for their free food. Supposedly on average we spend 15 to 20 percent of our income on food. We can start by levying an additional 15 percent income tax on everyone to pay for food. Considering the importance of food, that tax will have to be increased if it is inadequate to cover the cost. For necessities no tax is too high. A few malcontents will complain about eating government gruel. They will be free to buy food from greedy businesses, if they have any money left after paying their food tax. Of course, even ungrateful malcontents deserve the protection of government. The private businesses will be regulated to where food they can sell won't be much different from government gruel. Once everyone learns to love government food we can move on to creating housing districts to efficiently provide high quality safe housing for everyone. This will be easy. We already have government housing project and Indian reservations to use as models. Once the program is fully implemented, government will provide everything for everyone. We can forget about taxes and pay checks. Everyone will work for the government that will dole out whatever is left after the politicians, bureaucrats and their cronies get their cut off the top. In this utopia everyone can sleep peacefully every night knowing that no one is earning a profit by providing necessities to others. Who knows, someday someone may even find a way to eliminate the graft and corruption that replaced profits. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Copyright 2014 Albert D. McCallum
Thursday, October 9, 2014
What Are Public Servants?
Column for week of September 29, 2014 Politicians and bureaucrats commonly call themselves public servants. Are they? To answer that question we must answer two other questions. What is service? Who is the public? Is a grocer serving his customer by threatening her with a knife to get her to pay $4.00 for a loaf of bread? He is providing her with bread. The customer is the only one who can decide if she is being served. The customer is served only if she wants the service and is willing to pay the price. The customer hasn't been served if the "service" costs more than she believes it is worth. An exchange is exploitation if the one "served" is forced to give up more than she received. Only the one being "served" can make that value judgment. No one can decide what something is worth to another. If the customer valued the bread more than $4.00, the grocer wouldn't need to threaten her with a knife to get her to buy the bread. Voluntary exchanges between customers and grocers are possible only when both believe the exchanges serve their interests. Everyone is part of the public. If "public servants" are to serve the public they must serve everyone. Everyone must believe they receive more value than they give up. Name one thing "public servants" do that is considered to be a service by everyone in the country, state or city. If "public servants" were actually serving everyone, they wouldn't need to threaten anyone to accomplish their tasks. The fact that "public servants" endlessly threaten almost everyone with fines, imprisonment and even death puts the lie to their being "public servants." They are exploiting millions of the public they claim to serve. No other result is possible. Hiring "better people" as "public servants" won't help. It is impossible to force service onto anyone. If force is necessary, the "recipient" is being victimized, not served. If the service costs the recipient nothing, it doesn't have to be worth much to benefit the recipient. Those who pay for the service and get nothing may not feel quite so well served. The one who received the service might have turned it down if he had to pay its full cost. Some will claim the total value provided by "public servants" exceeds the cost imposed. The value provided by "pubic servants" can't be measured. It is impossible to make that calculation. The only way to measure the value of anything is to see how much someone will pay for it. Even if the efforts of "public servants" produce some value, we have no way of knowing how much when the service isn't being paid for voluntarily by the person receiving it. Even if the "public servants" are providing a net increase in value, How can we justify exploiting others to provide services to some? The most "public servants" can do is exploit some for the benefit of others. Considering the inefficiency and waste in all government operations, only in fantasy land will "public servants" consume less value than they produce. Contrast this with the private sector. Businesses buy resources and produce products. A business earns a profit only if the customers pay more for the product than they would have for the resources consumed making the product. The profit earned is part of the value added by the business. Profits don't rob consumers. Profits benefit consumers. If "public servants" had to live on the value they create, most of them would starve to death. It is perverted to demean profit making free market businesses that can gain only by serving the desires of their customers, while praising "public servants" who sell their products only by saying "Pay me or I will hurt you." Businesses subsidized and protected from competition by "public servants" can and do rip off customers. They are a part of the public that "public servants" do serve. "Public servants" are well paid for that service. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Copyright 2014 Albert D. McCallum
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Tolerance and Respect
Column for week of September 22, 2014 Many things may be seen as evidence of civilization. Some point to art and literature. Others focus on advanced technology. Still others may see peace as the hallmark of civilization. None of these are the foundation of civilization. They may be the fruits of civilization. Or, they may not even be reliable evidence that civilization exists. When a substantial part of the population lives in fear and terror of other people, the society isn't civilized. It may, however, appear peaceful. The population may submit to exploitation and abuse out of fear. This is not civilized. It is also unstable and can't last. A society seeped in exploitation and abuse may produce art and literature, as well as some technological achievements. Still, it is not civilized. In a civilized society people treat each other in a civil and respectful manner. Individuals don't quickly turn to violence when interacting with others. People are peaceful because they recognize the folly of turning to violence, not because they live in fear of being struck down by their rulers. They seek the voluntary cooperation of their fellow citizens, rather than saying "Do it my way, or I will hurt you." Technical achievements, art, literature, and prosperity are the fruits of such a peaceful, cooperative society, not the cause of it. The key to living in peaceful cooperation is for individuals to be tolerant and respectful of each other. Lack of tolerance and respect quickly leads to force and violence that destroys civilization. Tolerance and respect doesn't require approval and support. It only requires that we respect the rights of peaceful individuals to live as they choose without threats of force and violence. We also must tolerate what they do, even if we don't like it. Tolerance and respect don't mean we must aid or support conduct of which we disapprove. If we don't approve of what others do, we don't have to invite them to lunch or hire them. Everyone also has the right to speak out for or against the conduct of others. Forcing peaceful people to act against their conscience is uncivilized. We must refrain from resorting to violence to change others. The use of force and violence must be limited to protecting ourselves from the force, violence and fraud of others. Civilized people respect the rights of others to be free from violence and threats against their person. It is also essential that we respect the right of individuals to work and produce whatever they can to sustain their lives and provide comfort and satisfaction. Such work product flows from the person and is an extension of the person. It deserves the same respect as the person. The secure right to the fruits of one's labor isn't an unimportant, trivial right. Secure property rights is one of the foundation stones of civilization. Most people conduct themselves in such a civilized manner. Few directly attack their neighbors or take their property. Many are far less reluctant to urge someone else to beat others into the so called acceptable life style. They may even be eager to have that someone else confiscate the fruits of their neighbor's labor and give the fruits to someone else. The someone appointed to do the dirty work is usually government. Delegating the dirty work is no more civilized and no less destructive of civilization than doing it personally. The main job of government today is to beat individuals into submission to the desires of the various special interests, and to take the fruits of the individual's labor for the benefit of members of the special interest groups. Civilization and the prosperity that civilized behavior allows us to produce can't survive this wholesale loss of respect for each other. The only possible outcome is a war of all against all. In the end everyone will lose everything. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Copyright 2014 Albert D. McCallum
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