Monday, October 21, 2013


        We live in perilous times.  All times are perilous.  We always face dangers and challenges.  We can also find hope if we know where to look.

 Few people see the hopes before they are realized.  The forces of technology and public sentiment build quietly and unnoticed like the forces building up along fault lines.  Few notice until the earth moves.  Few also see forces building for technological and social change.

 On Saturday evening, November 4, 1989, I was at a gathering  in Miami.  A number of Ukrainians sat near by discussing the fate of the Ukraine.  Did anyone there even suspect that in less than a week we would awake to the headline "Berlin wall falls?"  Who foresaw that in a couple of years the Soviet Union would cease to exist and Ukraine would again be an independent nation?

 Forces for monumental change are building today.  Many people see the dangers.  How many see the hope?  People see change as a political process acted out within the political frame work.

 Forces for truly revolutionary changes build outside of, and in spite of, the political order.  They shake and change the political order.  Only force beyond the control of government can change government.

 Government is the most conservative of all institutions.  The foundation of government is force and coercion.  Above all else government seeks to conserve, protect and expand its power.  Those who seek to build peace and prosperity by getting government to reform itself seek the impossible.  The only things that can save us from the plunder and destruction of all powerful government are the irresistible forces from new technology and the will of the people.

 Those forces are building in spite of government's best efforts to stop them.  Government's efforts to prevent change amplify the forces that propel us toward change.

 We live in exciting times.  We are witnessing, mostly unaware, the buildup to what may be the most revolutionary and earth shaking change in history -- more earth shaking than gun powder, the atom bomb, or the fall of the Soviet Union.

 The secret to government power is manipulation and control of the minds of the people.  Those who rule and exploit are few.  Their victims are many.  No government can long survive if the will of the people turns against it.

 All governments must control the minds of their subjects, at least enough to gain passive acceptance.  No where is such control more important than in a democracy where people vote.

 It is no accident that governments world wide control education.  The goal of the rulers isn't to teach the there Rs.  In the name of education, starting in childhood, they indoctrinate the citizens to be compliant and dependent on government.  Dependent victims don't rebel.  Abused voters are as compliant to their abusers as are abused wives to their abusers.

 We have front row seats as world shaking forces build to the climax.  The forces of cyber education threaten the existing order.  In a few years decentralized cyber education will be available and affordable for most children.  The more government and the teachers' unions resist it and make government schools even more of a disaster, the more parents will be driven to private cyber education.

 The movement to decentralized education began in the paper book era decades ago.  It required a great effort to leave the government schools then.  The required effort diminishes today, while government schools grow ever worse.

 Government and the teachers unions will try to outlaw independent cyber education.  They will claim to be protecting the children.  Someone said "Religion is the last refuge of scoundrels."  Actually, “for the children” is the last refuge of scoundrels.

 The move to parental controlled cyber education will build slowly.  Suddenly it will break though.  On a quiet September morn teacher will return to nearly empty classrooms.  The next day's headline will shout "The educational wall has fallen."  People will be freed from government  propaganda and in control of their own minds.
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Copyright 2013
Albert D. McCallum

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