Monday, December 10, 2018

The Danger From Overgrown Government

Column 2018-8 (12/3/18)

The headlines are filled with reports of individuals ready, even eager, to resort to violence against anyone who so much as dares to express a conflicting idea. Even more troubling, this opposition to free expression permeates universities that were supposedly places to express and debate conflicting ideas in the search for truth.

Now we see individuals banding together around what they claim is an unassailable truth that they discovered last week. It is so painful to these individuals to hear their truth challenged that all contrary expression must be squelched. One might ask, if this truth is so obviously unassailable, Why is it so fragile that it can’t stand up to being challenged?

These unassailable truths aren't usually about mere opinions. Red is the most beautiful color. Broccoli is the world’s best vegetable. Cotton is the best cloth. Usually the “truth” in question is one its advocates want to impose on everyone else. Challenges to that great “truth” may make the ignorant masses reluctant to jump on the band wagon.

In reality the advocates for the great ”truth” are bullies who want to force their will onto everyone else. The function of government is to force the will of the powerful on to others. It is simply, do it my way or I will hurt you. Thus, it is inevitable that the battles over “truth” will be in the political arena. We already see the battle to redefine free speech as the freedom to say only what the definers want you to say.

The advocates for a great “truth” try to cloak their emotional appeal with the mantle of science. Their actions involve little more than the shouting of slogans. Most of those threatened by the great “truth” respond with slogans of their own. The shouting soon reaches the point where the hot heads turn to violence.

What can we do to turn away from the senseless swamp of endless destructive strife? The only answer that will work is, remove the cause of the strife. Stifling speech is like trying to plug a volcano. Sooner or later it will blow up.

The strife we see about us is the inevitable product of our slide into majority rule democracy. Keep in mind the key word is majority. Thoughtful people long ago figured out that majority rule leads to a war of everybody against everybody. In the end there are no winners.

Under pure majority rule 50 percent plus one can do as they please to 50 percent minus one. We aren’t quite there yet. We are close enough to reek havoc.

As long as government interferes with almost every choice, the war with each other will rage on. If we are to preserve civilization, we must dial back government intervention in everyone’s choices. So long as we try to use government to control each other, the strife will rage on.

Two common desires are in conflict. Most people want to live their lives and make their choices as they see fit. Many also desire to force choices on to others. When government enacts a law it says to everyone, do it my way or we will hurt you.

The more laws we have, the more conflicts we will have between the backers of the laws and their victims. The only way to dial down the strife is to shrink government to where it isn’t constantly in everyone's face. Those who want people to quit using plastic straws should use persuasion, not the strong arm of the law.

If we insist on using majority rule democracy to run each other's lives, the war of everyone against everyone is inevitable.

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Copyright 2018
Albert D. McCallum

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