Sunday, March 25, 2012

What Do Patrons Do at Cat Cafes?

     I can't believe all of the things I've found on the Internet.
Some may suggest that I shouldn't believe anything I find on the
Internet.  Without all the information that flows from the Internet
I fear that my mind would be like an empty filing cabinet.

     Much of that information ends up filed under "U", like in
"Useless Information."  For variety I could put some under "I"
for "Information, Useless."  Another option is to pass it on to
you and let you worry about where to file it.  Guess which
option I choose today.

     Last week I didn't know there were cat cafes in Japan.
Now I realize they may be on the endangered species list.  The
cafes that is, not the cats.  The Japanese government is
protecting the cats from the cafes.  Is PETA behind it?

     Before PETA has a coronary, perhaps I should point out
that cat cafes don't serve cat burgers.  Then again it might be a
public service if I drove PETA into cardiac arrest.  I can't wait
to see the letters claiming I'm bigoted against PETA.

     I recently discovered a web page charging me with being
narrow minded and bigoted against witches.  The posts were
made seven years ago regarding a column I published in 2003.
If I ticked off a bunch of witches and survived to tell about it,
Why should I worry about upsetting PETA?  Then again, Do
you suppose that witch thing had any part in my spending three
years as a frog?

     As far as I know casting spells and making curses are
among the few things PETA hasn't done to endear itself to the
rest of the human race.  PETA does sometimes provoke others to
hurl a few curses in PETA's direction.

     So far I haven't heard what PETA thinks of cat cafes.  I
don't really know if PETA is responsible for the law that
threatens the cat cafes.

     Cat cafes don't serve meals for cats.  What do they do?
They serve live cats.  Again, don't panic.  Customers pay the
cafes $12 an hour or so to play with the cats.

     Apparently, to some in Japan a big night on the town is
going to the cat cafe, drinking tea and playing with a cat.  This
certainly gives new meaning to high living.  Instead of living
high on the hog, Do they get high playing with cats?

     Actual, it seems that rather than going out to play with
the cat, people stay out to play with the cat.  They often stop at
the cat cafe to play with a cat and unwind on the way home
from work.  Perhaps cats are a substitute for drinking.  Someone
should tell Alcoholics Anonymous about this.

     Back to how government is threatening the cat cafes.
The cat cafes attract many customers after 8:00 p.m.  A new law
makes 8:00 p.m. the witching hour for cats.  There I go ticking
off the witches again.  Cats will not be allowed to work past
8:00 p.m.  At that magic hour all cats must go back into the bag.
I wonder if anyone told the Japanese government that cats are

     Cats will be allowed to work only from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00
p.m.  Apparently the politicians and bureaucrats haven't been
able to wrap their minds around the concept of second shift.

     What will the Japanese facing cat withdrawal do?  Will
they meekly comply with the 8:00 p.m. bagging of the cats?  Or,
will they visit dingy back rooms where exploited cats are forced
to play into the wee hours of the morning?  Did you ever try
forcing a cat to do anything?  Will purveyors of cats walk the
streets at night carrying bags and whispering, "Do you want to
play with a cat?"

     To stay up to date as the saga plays out, stay tuned to the
Internet.  Hopefully I will never mention it again.  On the
Internet someone will.

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Copyright 2012
Albert D. McCallum
18440 29-1/2 Mile Road
Springport, Michigan 49284

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