Column for week of March 24, 2014 As US participation in the war in Afghanistan winds down (hopefully) it seems appropriate to ponder what war can accomplish. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have accomplished little worthwhile and at great cost in wealth and lives. It should have been obvious going in that a few years of foreign intervention wouldn't end the strife among hostile ethnic and religious groups. The wars have given many people a few more reasons to fear and hate the US. Saddam Husain's regime in Iraq was totalitarian and brutal. It was slightly stable, and balanced against the power of Iran in the area. The main accomplishment there was to allow the feuding parties to get on with killing each other until a new tyrant emerges. The continuing civil war in Afghanistan had reached the age of majority before the US military arrived. The US had switched sides in that war after the Soviet Union pulled out its military. That civil war still rages and will continue until a dominant tyrant puts a damper on it. That damper won't end the ethnic and religious hostility which will eventually erupt into new violence. Perhaps eventually one faction will eliminate the rest. Or, perhaps the factions will agree to divvy up the country. From the beginnings of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan there was no reason to expect the wars to turn either country into a peaceful, prosperous nation. Looking back a bit further it is hard to see that Vietnam and the Vietnamese people are more peaceful and prosperous than they would have been if the US had left it up to them to settle their differences. We need to look back further to the two successful wars, World War II and Korea. I don't doubt that the defeat of the totalitarian, materialistic governments of Germany and Japan at least hastened the development of peace and prosperity. Why? Most of the people of both Germany and Japan shared a common culture. Neither nation was at war with itself. Both nations had an educated productive population. They couldn't have caused so much devastation if they hadn't had strong economies. The tyrants that ruled both nations misdirected the productive capacity of the nations toward war and conquest. The US and its allies removed those governments. War weary people of both nations were ready to accept less ambitious governments. The peace and prosperity happened because of the nature of the populations of the nations, not in spite of it. Striking down the governments of Iraq and Afghanistan did nothing to change the people in a way to make cooperation, peace and prosperity possible. East Germany provides more evidence that merely striking down a destructive tyrant isn't enough. With a new militaristic tyrant East Germany languished for over half a century. Destruction of Germany's tyrannical, militaristic government was of little immediate benefit to the people of East Germany. The Korean war prevented the tyrant from the north from dominating the entire country. Like Germany and Japan, South Korea wasn't at war with itself. With a less oppressive government than the North, South Korea has achieved peace and prosperity although skill and education wise it started well behind Japan and Germany. On this side of the pond repeated, and even long, US interventions in Haiti have done nothing to change the corrupt exploitive nature of its government. The conditions and attitudes in Haiti don't support such change. Destroying a tyrant is not in itself enough to change a nation. Unless the people are inclined toward peaceful, productive cooperation, destroying the tyrant may do more harm than good. Meanwhile, the US government steadily grows more militaristic and tyrannical, more and more resembling the governments it has destroyed. When the time comes, Who will be there to rescue the people of the US from their homegrown tyranny? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Copyright 2014 Albert D. McCallum
Considering the issues of our times. (ADM does not select or endorse the sites reached through "Next Blog.")
Thursday, March 27, 2014
What Can War Accomplish?
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Who Fears Competition?
Column for week of March 17, 2014 Most people realise that if there is only one store to choose it may not provide the best merchandise or the best prices. Why are customers usually better served by two stores than by one? If the second store wants customers, it must serve them better than the first store. Why would customers even try the second store unless they believed it might be better? If it didn't prove to provide better service, Why would the customers stay? Each customer sets his own standards for what makes service better. The better service may be lower prices, better merchandise, greater variety of merchandise, more convenient location, prompter service, or a whole host of other things. The customers decide which stores serve them best and patronize them. It is left up to each store to figure out how the customers prefer to be served and provide that service. The customers' choices are final. Those customers with a choice will impose the death penalty on any store, or other enterprise, which doesn't please them enough. Not all customers find the same things pleasing. Thus, businesses providing different types of service can coexist and prosper. Any enterprise that fails to please enough customers to keep the cash registers ringing suffers the death penalty. Some people believe that businesses like competition. Most businesses don't. What would you prefer, owning the only store in town, or having to compete with six other stores? Unless you believed you could efficiently please the customers better than the other stores, most likely you would prefer to have the only store in town. Many people in cities prefer to buy food from food trucks. The owners of brick and mortar restaurants don't like competition from food trucks. The restaurant owners get the cities to pass ordinances restricting food trucks. Often they are prohibited from parking near a restaurant. The restrictions may make it nearly impossible for food trucks to operate. This denies the customers the service they prefer. It enables restaurants to keep customers who prefer the service from the trucks. Like most laws restricting competition, the restrictions on food trucks protect the established well-connected businesses from competition from new businesses without political clout. Only enterprises that have confidence in their ability to please customers want to compete. Old, stale enterprises fear competition and seek government protection against it. They want to keep their customers without having to please them. When enterprises face open competition little more is needed to make the enterprises accountable to their customers. When customers have information about the alternatives available and are free to choose, the enterprises must please the customers, or else. The "or else" is that death penalty. A morass of laws and legions of enforcers are totally unnecessary. Informed customers free to choose are their own enforcers. The fear of competition infects all enterprises, not just businesses. Most government enterprises are monopolies, or close to it. The revenue keeps flowing even if almost everyone is displeased with the service. When you hear service providers railing against competition, you can be certain that those providers fear that they can't please customers who are free to choose an alternative. Government school administrators, teachers and unions who rail against choice and competition are screaming at the top of their voices that they fear that they can't please customers who have choices. They fear that others will take away the customers by providing better service. When they have no confidence in their ability to serve and please us, Why should we have confidence in them? Why should we consent to remain their captive customers with no choice but them? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Copyright 2014 Albert D. McCallum
Thursday, March 13, 2014
The Safest City in the USA
Column for week of March 10, 2014 Today I will give some long over due recognition to the safest city in the USA. The usual way to announce such an award is to start with a list of finalists and work from bottom to top building breathless suspense. You may have noticed that I'm not big for doing things in the usual way. Besides, there isn't a list of finalists. Charleston, South Carolina is in a class all by itself. Oops, did I just let the feline out of the sack? That's okay. All the more space to praise Charleston for how it won the award. Until I read a recent article from "Reason" I was unaware that Charleston has no real crime, no robberies, rapes and murders. Apparently people don't even jaywalk, spit on sidewalks, or litter the parks. Certainly, if Charleston had real crime its biggest problem wouldn't be finding something for cops to do besides sit in donut shops all day and get fat. The city was a little short on ideas for dealing with this problem. Then someone discovered Charleston is blessed with a number of pedal powered rickshaws that offer rides in the city. Police got a tip about a crime wave centered in those rickshaws. At least it was what passes for a crime wave in Charleston. Some rickshaw drivers were allegedly talking about the city and its past while pedaling. Apparently Charleston has also eradicated texting while driving and moved forward to deal with talking while pedaling. The ever diligent police swung into action. They devised a sting operation. Cops ingeniously disguised as tourists purchased rides in the rickshaws. Once on board the cops tried to entice the drivers to talk about the city's past. One of six drivers couldn't resist the temptation. Like most hardened criminals he gave in to his dark side and started talking about the city's past. At the end of the ride the heroic undercover cop gave the driver a ticket for talking too much about the wrong things. The ticket imposed a fine of more than a thousand dollars. Charleston gets serious when it ferrets out real crime. Why was talking about the city's past a crime? Only licensed tour guides who have paid their tribute/protection money to the city may engage is such dangerous talk. The public must be protected from all others. I hate to leave you hanging but it is up to you to figure out how Charleston's victimization of rickshaw drivers is different from Mafia protection rackets. It must be comforting to Charleston residents that they live in a city where the biggest crime is talking about the city. Of course some, such as rickshaw drivers, may consider other crimes to be more serious. The cops took some rather indecent liberties with the Bill of Rights in general and free speech in particular. The saga isn't over yet. The Institute for Justice has intervened on behalf of the rickshaw driver. We can only hope that in the end it is Charleston and its under worked cops who get stung. A number of years ago I wrote about people in Rome being arresting for pointing out landmarks without a license. Somehow it seemed a lot more humorous when it was on the other side of the pond. I am generally all for the benefits of free trade. I must admit there is one import we should ban. We produce a more than adequate supply of our own. We don't need to import more bad laws. Competition inspires innovation. We don't need anything that might inspire lawmakers to produce even worse laws. Considering how unsafe Charleston is for our Constitution, perhaps I should consider rescinding its award. On the other hand I don't know that the Constitution is any less safe in Charleston than in the rest of the country. The Constitution is certainly no less safe in Charleston than in Washington, D.C. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Copyright 2014 Albert D. McCallum
Monday, March 3, 2014
What Is the Right Choice?
Column for week of March 3, 2014 Consumers face endless choices. What should they buy, and how much? A single principle guides all of the choices. What will bring the most satisfaction? Satisfaction can't be measured or weighed. It is impossible to find that a burger will yield 11 grams of satisfaction while a candy bar will produce 14 grams. Besides this, the choices will yield different satisfactions for different individuals. If that isn't enough uncertainty, the satisfaction a person will enjoy from a choice varies from time to time. It is impossible to write a formula to calculate how satisfying anything will be. When individuals venture into business, they still seek satisfaction. The business person may gain some satisfaction simply from being successful. The main highway to satisfaction from a business runs through profit land. The business buys resources. It uses those resources to produce a product. If the product pleases consumers and sells for more than the resources cost, the business earns profits. The business owner can use those profits to purchase the things he believes will yield satisfaction. More profit means more income with which to pursue satisfaction. The satisfaction still can't be measured. The profits that are the means to satisfaction can. The primary goal for businesses is to maximize satisfaction through maximizing profits. The business must seek to buy only those resources that will increase the value of its products more than the resource cost. Consider a corn farmer deciding whether to buy another ton of fertilizer for $800. The important issue is, Will the fertilizer increase the value of the crop by more than $800? Another consideration is, Will some other use of the $800 increase the value of the crop even more? The same principles apply to all resources, including labor. Will hiring another employee to speed up planting increase the yield enough to pay the cost of the employee? The cost of the employee isn't just wages. Taxes, insurance, cost of hiring, etc. are all part of the cost of hiring an employee. Suppose the farmer calculates that he can pay the employee no more than $6.00 per hour and come out ahead. If it is illegal for the farmer to pay only $6.00 per hour he can't afford to hire the worker, even if the worker is willing and eager to work for $6.00. Instead of working for $6.00 the worker remains unemployed earning nothing. The farmer produces a little less corn. The entire world has a little less corn available to use. This will tend to push corn prices higher. What happens to one farmer won't have a noticeable impact on the total corn supply. If it happens to thousands, it can make a noticeable difference. Meanwhile, the unemployed worker may be drawing unemployment compensation or getting welfare at someone's expense. The least skilled workers are the main victims of minimum wage laws. Businesses can't afford to pay workers more than they produce, no matter how much the worker may need more. Minimum wage laws are one of the main reasons unemployment is so high among young, unskilled workers. Not only are they producing and earning nothing, they are denied the opportunity to get the work experience that would enable then to become more productive and earn more. Only 10 percent or so of workers remain at minimum wage for two years. A recent study found that only about 10 percent of minimum wage workers live in a household that is in poverty. The other 90 percent live in households that have multiple incomes and are above the poverty line. The minimum wage earner is rarely trying to support a family. Even if the minimum wage worker is trying to support a family, pricing him out the labor market is a strange way to help. Sure, some workers get a raise when the minimum wage is increased. They ride on the backs of the low skilled workers forced into involuntary unemployment. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Copyright 2014 Albert D. McCallum
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