Sunday, September 7, 2014

What to Do About ISIS

Column for week of September 1, 2014                            

     This Country's war hawks would have us believe that the
survival of the US depends on immediately destroying ISIS. 
They want US troops on the ground in Iraq and Syria
immediately, or sooner.  We must destroy ISIS, ISIL or
whatever it calls itself tomorrow.

     Before rushing into another war, or rekindling an old war,
it might be well to take a closer look at the enemy and consider
what war might accomplish.  ISIS is powered by militant
Muslims who are eager to kill anyone who refuses to become a
Muslim.  They are also quite willing to kill Muslims who aren't
militant and murderous enough.

     ISIS draws its strength from the same pool of militants as
does Al-Qaeda, the Taliban and Boko Haram.  ISIS isn't a new
adversary.  It is merely another arm of the most militant segment
of Islam.  These militant thugs have been waging civil war
against the rest of Islam for ages.  They speak of ruling the
world.  Before seriously taking on the world they must first
conquer Islam.

     The militants hurl threats at the US while having a full
time job carving out a base in the world of Islam.  They might
back up those threats with some sort of murderous attack.  Such
an attack would be mainly motivated by the desire to strengthen
their hand in the Muslim world.

     The US and its allies have been at war for nearly a
decade and a half trying to destroy Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. 
The victory parade is still a few blocks away.  What reason do
we have to believe destruction of ISIS will be quicker or easier?

     I don't doubt that the US military could quickly end
ISIS's control of its foothold in Iraq and Syria.  It quickly ended
Saddam Hussein's control of Iraq.  What did that accomplish?  It
made many Iraqis more militant.  The militants blended with the
general population popping out to attack when they saw fit.

     For so long as there is a sizable pool of murderous
militants in the Islamic world, they will continue to be a threat
to moderate Muslims and the rest of the world.  No matter how
successful an attack by the US military might be in the short
term, it won't eradicate militant Muslims or end their murderous

     Dispersing the militants and giving them more material
for their recruiting posters doesn't seem much like victory. 
Wanting to eradicate militant Islam and doing it are two very
different things.

     The only solution is for Islam to purge itself of the
militants.  Outside intervention only encourages other Muslims
to rally around or at least tolerate the militants.

     The US may be able to help by providing support to
moderates in the Muslim world.  Even in this the US should
keep a low profile and be very choosy about who it supports. 
ISIS is now using weapons and equipment supplied by the US
and captured by ISIS.

     A few decades ago the US armed the Taliban in its fight
against the Soviet backed government of Afghanistan.  Much to
our regret the Taliban prevailed.

     About a year ago the president of the US and a flock of
war hawks wanted to aid Syrian rebels in overthrowing the
government of Syria.  Those rebels included what is now called
ISIS.  Many in the US now want to intervene on the side of the
Syrian government.  What if the US still hasn't got it right?

     Moderate Islamic powers are coming to fear the militants. 
Let them spend some of their oil money defending themselves
from the militants.  We don't have a dog in that fight.  If one of
their dogs snaps at us, deal with it.  Otherwise stay out and don't
make matters worse.

     Militant Islam will never rise close to the level of a
world power.  Its tactics are to destroy rather than produce. 
Power is based on production.  Without the backing of oil
money, militant Muslims would be little more than camel
jockeys with spears.
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Copyright 2014
Albert D. McCallum

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